Making Hydrogen Happen

We are transforming the clean energy sector - the driver for economic growth worldwide.
Our Green Hydrogen provides a near limitless, carbon-zero, pollution-free source of fuel for the 21st century.

We provide a fully integrated and seamless Green Hydrogen solution:

PlusZero Energy
= Green Hydrogen production & distribution
We’re unlocking the full promise of renewable energy. We use surplus electricity produced by local renewable wind power to split water into hydrogen and oxygen using a process called electrolysis.

PlusZero Power
= portable generator
rentals & sales
We use Green Hydrogen to fuel our combustion engines, giving you clean power wherever you need it. Our generator range will meet the varied demand for portable power in the events, outdoor filming, construction and industrial sectors.

Our Product Development Strategy
We are already developing an innovative, flexible and modular product range of Green Hydrogen-fuelled generators for use across diverse sectors, offering between 50 to 500kVA output.
We will be producing related products - battery hybrid modules, heat capture and transfer modules, self-propelled generators and fuel-celled generators.

Our Origins
PlusZero’s first production facility is in the Western Isles, with its unique blend of extensive and highly scalable onshore - offshore wind assets. We are the Western Isles Council’s exclusive Green Hydrogen Partner. We will scale this facility to become a major source of the UK’S Green Hydrogen production.

Our Team
PlusZero has brought together a highly experienced team to deliver on our strategic ambition, with expertise in hydrogen production & distribution, hydrogen engine design and retrofitting, finance, risk, international markets, partnership development & communications.

Executive Team
David Amos
David founded PlusZero in April 2021, with a mission to unlock the full potential of renewable energy and to decarbonise sectors using diesel by providing clean portable power.
He is a trusted expert in developing complex, multi-partner projects involving government, business, academia and communities. He was formerly Programme Director for the £325m Islands Growth programme.
Spencer Ashley
Spencer is a hugely creative and unconventional engineer, entrepreneur and writer who has delivered several hydrogen vehicle technology firsts in the UK and India.
James Buche
James is a highly experienced international CEO and entrepreneur who has delivered major hydrogen production projects in the UK, US and Australia and run global businesses in the oil and gas, alternative energy, steel and cement sectors.
Mark Irving
Mark is a creative industries specialist in brand, design, and communications, fulfilling director-level roles in new business, strategy and partnerships. He has led award-winning design, events, and immersive technology projects internationally.
Jules Laver
Jules is an expert in the design and operation of power infrastructure for outdoor events. He has worked with a wide range of outdoor events and touring shows in the UK and internationally and is a highly respected advisor to major Scottish and UK event operators.
Chris Trigg
Chris is an entrepreneurial chartered accountant who has held senior strategic roles in the UK energy industry, co-founding one of the first UK ‘challenger’ energy retail companies in 2007 and establishing award-winning clean tech software business OnGen in 2014. He now runs his own energy consulting business.

Our Collaborative Approach
We work together with our public sector, community and business partners in the Western Isles to secure direct community and environmental benefits - above all, clean energy.
A community-based solution with a global footprint. It’s a model that shapes our own values and goals, wherever we work in the UK or abroad.

Our Values
The values we prize as a team –
resourcefulness, agility, openness, collaboration, respect, confidence, creativity –
underpin everything we do.

Our Team
We have brought together a highly experienced team to deliver on our strategic ambition, with a unique combination of expertise in hydrogen production and distribution, hydrogen technology, engine design and retrofitting, outdoor event power infrastructure, finance, risk, international markets, partnerships, brand story telling and communications.

Our Partners
We are working with some of the most experienced and creative people in the Green Hydrogen sector. We believe that collaboration between committed and expert partners is the best way to achieve the rapid transition to the clean energy future that is essential for our planet.